What can I do to encourage my child’s communication development?

Parents often ask us for activities they can do in their daily lives to help encourage their child’s development. Recently, we came across Vroom, a website and app, which can do just that! To get started you simply make a profile and then Vroom will send you a daily tip or idea to help encourage your child’s development. The service is free and you can get it sent directly to your phone, so you can do these activities on-the-go and anywhere!

Vroom is tailored to your child’s age, so the activities grow with you as your child continues to develop.
Apps and websites like Vroom make it easier to incorporate ways to encourage your child’s development. But, if you are worried about your child’s communication development, contact us at The Speech Space! We offer free screenings, which take approximately 30 minutes, and can help identify potential problems.